Good afternoon Guest.
it's such an amazing day we have
seen here on earth.
Well am here to share a little
information with you all
I was on my Facebook page viewing
some stuffs when a friend Posted
this as a message to me
I was apprised too see such a
message and it turned out to be
that I don't even know who she
was... well I had to go gentle on
here to really know if it was of my
I asked her madam sorry whats the
She dropped with a hash word and
laying huge abuses on man
(sounded emotional ) .
Am a man too but that wasn't just
the point I really wanted too know
her reasons before nailing men to
the cross. She made the
conversation last more longer with
me getting no information of her
being so strict too man and it's life
here on earth... she made a lot of
writing abuses all containing the
name "Mike" !!! OK with that I was
ready to hear her out because she
had finally being direct to one man.