Junk-Food Facts

It's the 21st century and "junk food" has gone
global. For better or for worse (mostly worse),
junk food is now available all over the world. We
see it most everywhere we go -- in grocery and
convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, on
television -- usually looking very appealing. But
just what are the facts about junk food?
"Junk food" generally refers to foods that
contribute lots of calories but little nutritional
value. Of course, what's considered "junk food"
depends on whom you ask. Some might say pizza
is junk food, for example. But I personally don't
think so, since it contributes real food with
nutrients , like cheese and tomato sauce. Add
whole-wheat or part whole-wheat crust, plus
veggies as a topping, and I'd say pizza completely
exits the junk food category.
One problem with junk foods is that they're low in
satiation value -- that is, people don't tend to feel
as full when they eat them -- which can lead to
overeating. Another problem is that junk food
tends to replace other, more nutritious foods.
When people drink lots of soda, for example, they
are usually not getting plenty of low-fat dairy or
other healthful beverages like green tea or orange
juice. When they're snacking on chips and
cookies, they're usually not loading up on fruits
and vegetables

Most "junk food" falls into the categories of either
"snack food" or "fast food." And then there are
things like breakfast cereals. They seem innocent
enough, but some of them could definitely be
considered "junk food," as they mostly contain
sugar or high-fructose corn syrup and white flour
or milled corn.

Calories From Snack Foods

Popular snack foods are usually commercially
prepared and packaged, like chips, cheese puffs,
candy bars, snack cakes, and cookies.
The contribution of snack food to the calories we
eat should not be underestimated. Between 1977
and 1996, the contribution of snack calories to
total calories for American children between 2 and
5 years old increased by 30%, according to an
article published in the Chilean medical journal,
Revista Medica de Chile .

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