I’m pregnant and worried about Zika

Zika is an infection. It is caused by the bite of
a type of mosquito.
If you get Zika when you are pregnant, it may
harm your baby. It can stop the baby’s head
and brain growing normally. The baby may be
born with a very small head (microcephaly). It
may have other problems.
The mosquito that carries Zika usually bites in
the day. Try not to get bitten. Here are some
• Wear clothes that cover your skin.
Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colours. So
wear light-coloured clothes.
• Use insect repellents on your skin. Ask at the
pharmacy or health centre which ones to use.
Or look for one that contains Deet.
• Use a net. Sleep and rest under an
insecticide-treated mosquito net. Make sure
you use it day and night, even in hot weather.
• Tuck the net around you. If it has holes,
patch them with fabric.
You find mosquitoes near pools of still water
and rubbish.
Remove pots, bottles, and containers that
collect water. Take them away from outside
your house and workplace. Cover water tanks
so mosquitoes can’t get in. Unblock drains so
water flows away.
Put rubbish in plastic bags. Put them in a
closed container so animals can’t tear them
If you think you may have been bitten, or have
Zika, go to the clinic.

What is microcephaly?

Microcephaly is a birth defect. The baby’s
brain doesn’t grow properly. The baby is born
with a very small head.
Microcephaly may be caused by an infection,
like the Zika virus. This is carried by a type of
mosquito. If a woman is bitten when she is
pregnant she may get Zika. The illness is mild,
but it may affect the growing baby.
Microcephaly can show up on an ultrasound
scan during pregnancy. Sometimes it is not
seen until the baby is born.
If your baby is born in a clinic or hospital, his
head will be measured soon after the birth. If
your baby is born at home, take him to the
clinic. A health worker will check your baby
and measure his head. There is no known cure
for microcephaly.
Babies with microcephaly have different
problems. Some have fits. Some have
problems with speaking. Some have feeding
problems. These babies may be slow to learn.
Some will be slow to walk and talk. They may
have problems with hearing and seeing.
Babies with mild microcephaly may have a few
problems as they grow up. Babies with more
major microcephaly need extra care all their

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