Pastor Obinna Nkemjika is a man called by God to serve under the great prophet of our time (Dr. David Oedepo). He has enjoyed the flow of grace and its showing in his life, family, and ministry.
Presently on a missionary assignment to the nation of Seychelles, his passion for souls and God's kingdom, fired him into creatively translating divine inspirations into music.
He is fully supported by his wife (Dcns. Amarachi Grace) whom God used to set the creative gifts in him to emerge leading to the creation of New Dimensionz Records. A label that will encourage, mentor, train, produce and market up-coming artists.
Amarachi Obinna is a gospel duet of the couple joined by God to impact this generation. Amarachi who is married to Pastor Obinna Nkemjika, hails from Imo State, Nigeria. They both are blessed with two children (Praiseful & Dominion).
He uses his night seasons for prayer and producing Holy Ghost inspired tunes from which songs like Imela, No more Limitations, Working for my good, I Carry Holy Ghost and Heal the world were composed and produced.
Working for my good is a faith filled song for all that are on a cross road, beaten, battered, disappointed, lonely etc. Showing them a life experience that looked like a mockery at first but then turned for good.
It's a song of hope.
It's a song of Faith.
Download 'Working For My Good' By Amarachi Obinna
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